Steven Kalas is  the author of “Human Matters: Wise and Witty Counsel on Relationships, Parenting, Grief and Doing the Right Thing” (Stephens Press). His columns appears in several community newspapers.

Links provided below are for articles written since Jan 2015.

2020     2019      2018     2017     2016     2015


03/06/2020 Post Marital Dating Rules
02/25/2020 Divorce is hell … but
02/19/2020 Meet Triumph and Disaster two Impostors, just the same
02/12/2020  Worst Shaolin Priest Ever
02/05/2020  It’s Not All About Us
01/29/2020  Spousal Abuse Question
01/22/2020  Justice is Not Revenge
01/15/2020 Contemplating ‘Sophie’s Choice’
01/08/2020 Go … Do … Redeem your Past
01/012020  Experiences Top Possessions


12/26/2019 Still Transfixed by the Crèche Scene
12/18/2019 Childbirth: Expecting the Unexpected
12/11/2019 How do Human Beings come to Feel Worthwhile?
12/04/2019 Advice on Grieving During the Holidays – Sparks
11/20/2019 When Being ‘Mean’ Helps
11/13/2019 Dreams I’m Ready to Chase
11/06/2019 Deep Love in Blended Family
10/30/2019 Justice Matters but Redemption Matters More
10/02/2019 I’m Disappointed in You’
09/25/2019 What We Don’t Say at the End
09/18/2019 It Was the Best I Could Do
08/28/2019 Remember the Fable of ‘The Fox and The Lion’
08/21/2019 The Sands of Love
08/14/2019 Oh, That Alien Feeling Called Love
08/07/2019 When is a Complaint Legitimate?
07/31/2019 The Good/Bad Side of Religious Guilt
07/24/2019 Admire, Behold and See Your Children
07/17/2019 Trust: You Don’t Learn, You Decide
07/12/2019 Manhood Stands for Itself
07/09/2019 Healing a marriage is 50/50 work
06/26/2019 Learn to say, I take it back
06/19/2019 The world needs good fathers
06/17/2019 Oh, those ‘little’ wisdom books
6/08/2019  ‘Blade Runner’ most brilliant of the dystopia films
05/29/2019  You can’t not have faith
05/22/2019  It is not a flaw to need
05/22/2019  Old sayings that are so untrue
05/08/2019  Yes, you can love more
05/01/2019  Are you gonna call it in?
04/24/2019  A good life is a balanced life
04/17/2019  My friends are blind and lame
04/10/2019  God talks to you? Really?
04/03/2019  Building wings while you fall
03/29/2019  Action makes words credible
03/21/2019  Forgiveness and being forgiven
03/13/2019  In the presence of evil
03/07/2019  Getting smaller; less judgemental
02/27/2019  Internet’s culture of voyeurism
02/22/2019  Adventures in human discovery
02/13/2019   Dealing with ‘The Addict’
02/07/2019  Finding true love requires two questions
01/31/2019  I don’t tell couples to divorce, but…
01/24/2019  In death – each to their own
01/17/2019  The great mystery: Change just happens
01/10/2019  Like piranha, we attack weakness
01/02/2019  The Powerful Pool of Nostagia


12/19/2018  The Pool Table of Life
12/12/2018  The Stranger Things in a Marriage
12/05/2018  Nike Therapy: Just Do it’
11/28/2018  Children Need to Be Admired
11/21/2018  When Kids Use ‘Bad’ Words
11/13/2018  Standing by Your Word
11/09/2018  I’m trying to forgive, but how?
10/31/2018  Saying ‘Enough’ Begins Change
10/23/2018  Don’t Tread on Me
10/17/2018  Does Your Love Show?
10/10/2018  Are You My Mother? No, and Hell No – Sparks
10/02/2018  Two Kinds of Shame
9/26/2018    Redemption Is Everyman’s Story
9/19/2018    Sorry, Anonymous Doesn’t Cut It
9/12/2018    Of Real Marriage and Divorce
8/28/2018    Parents, Children and Our Flaws
8/21/2018    Exclusive Sex Is the Best Sex
8/14/2018    You Don’t Have to Die to Go to Hell
8/4/2018      Tips on Raising that ‘Devil Daughter’
7/31/2018    Learning to Control Your Wake
7/24/2018    The Dance of Cynicism and Skeptism
7/17/2018    Know Your Limits, Then Reach for the Skies
7/3/2018      The Real Marriage Vows
6/25/2018    The Quintessential Freudian Slip
6/19/2018     Humor: The Best Medicine
5/31/2018     Ahh, the Joys of Disneyland
5/24/2018     Meet the Acronym ‘SOBER’
5/16/2018     Mother’s Day Is the Worst? What’s up with That?
5/11/2018      If You Want to Change Your Life Change Your Questions
4/28/2018      ‘No, I Am Far from Being Ok’
4/13/2018      Live Well and Free
4/14/2018      Family Bonds That Enslave Us
4/09/2018      Live Well and Free
3/30/2018      In Relationships, Accountability Matters
3/24/2018      Warriors and Punks
3/17/2018      Not Everyone Needs a Medical Label
2/27/2018      Authenticity Requires Your Self
2/20/2018      Advice on Watching Your Teen
2/18/2018      Love Is a Happening, Not a Decision
2/11/2017      Thinking about Injustice
2/5/2018        Modern Masculine Struggle
1/27/2018      Strive More for Truth Than Honesty
1/20/2018      Men Can’t Cry; Women Can’t Get Angry
1/14/2018      Morality Aside: Porn Is Ridiculous
1/6/2018        Yes, You Can Sense Impending Awareness
1/1/2018        Taking Inventory of Your Cupboard


12/17/2017    Babies Change Everything 
12/8/2017      ‘You Need to Get You a Mexican’
12/2/2017       ‘I Love You, and I’ll Never Leave You’
11/25/2017    ‘Honest Hallmark’ Greeting Cards
11/18/2017     Who Wants to Die Alone?
11/13/2017     Men: Never Lose the Joy of the Boy Within
11/7/2017       Divorce Alters Kid’s View of ‘Mom’Ndadness’
10/27/2017    When the Spouse Disappears from the Marriage
10/16/2017     A Son’s Text: ‘I’m Alive so Far’
10/5/2017       Hey, Kaepernick, Let’s Have a Beer
9/20/2017       Stages of A Loving Relationship
9/7/2017         Know Your Limits and Be Free
8/24/2017       Mean People Suck the Joy Out of Being
8/11/2017       Reaction is Revenge; Action is Justice
8/6/2017         There’s no Escape Plan in Love
7/30/2017       Great love? Stare down your fears
7/22/2017       Rules for lovers who text
7/7/2017        OK girls, meet your Gravitas
6/23/2017       Vulgarity Won’t Make America Great
6/16/2017       Listen up, guys, get a load of Sophia
6/3/2017         Don’t kid yourself: Divorce is forever
5/25/2017       Finding healthy soothing techniques
5/18/2017       Imagine interaction in pure innocence
5/11/2017       ‘My, what big eyes you have’
5/4/2017          Regression is common and treatable
4/30/2017        ‘Yes, I’m giving you an ultimatum’
4/21/2017        Jumping headfirst into the future
4/13/2017        Harrowing journey of truth, beauty and selfhood
4/7/2017          ‘Take a breath and freakin’ forgive me’
3/25/2017         Sadly, some fear racial healing
3/16/2017         Ahh, living the imperfect life
3/9/2017           True fidelity isn’t only about sex
3/4/2017           Redemption or bitterness? Choose redemption
2/24/2017         If it’s not one thing, it’s your mother
2/17/2017         Kelly Ann Conway: The Princess of pivot
2/10/2017         The intimacy of living whole
2/2/2017           We Long for Close Relationships
1/19/2017         The Moment I Became a Grandfather
1/6/2017           The Horror of ‘The Blog Age’


12/22/2016      Make No Mistake: Evil is Real
12/16/2016      Highest Calling: Standing Up to Evil
12/10/2016      Women and beauty: It’s complicated
11/30/2016      The Girl Questions…the Guy Brain
11/24/2016      The Holidays: Perfect Storm for Those Who Grieve
11/16/2016      Sorry, Mr. Trump, My Honor is Non-Negotiable
11/10/2016      Story of a boy hit by a teacher
11/5/2016        Laughter and Globetrotters: Times changing 
10/27/2016      In Gliding I Become Utterly Myself
10/21/2016      Trump talk: I don’t have friends like that
10/15/2016      The Healthy Journey of Leaving Home
10/8/2016        You Can’t Teach a Pig to Sing
10/2/2016        Yoga is Worship – it Crucifies You
9/24/2016        Is Sex Key to Winning a Man?
9/22/2016        N.W. in San Rafael asks must I have sex to compete?
9/15/2016        Empathy’s dark cousin – sadism
9/2/2016          Nurturing the Gift of Empathy
8/24/2016        The making of a good cop
8/19/2016        Duplicity Creeps Me Out – in Politics and Marriage
8/13/2016        Raising the Dreaded Teenager
8/6/2016          Part 2 on Surviving Adultery: Assemble a Circle of Support
8/1/2016          How Marriage Survives an Affair
7/19/2016        The disconnect of a modern homemaker
7/13/2016        Trust your gut – if your gut is trustworthy
7/6/2016          Selfless love requires self respect


10/26/2015      Ego, like time, just slips away
10/17/2015      When your spouse is unhappy, ask why 
10/4/2015        Doing the right thing matters more than the reason why
9/27/2015        ‘Stitching together’ should be our goal
9/19/2015        Step back, let kids solve own problems
9/13/2015        The Parent Esteem Apocalypse is upon us 
8/30/2015        History deserves honest retelling  
8/25/2015        We can’t help but judge book covers 
8/25/2015        You have got to laugh or cry
8/10/2015        Friendship can continue after love ends
8/5/2015          Understand the motive behind a lie
7/24/2015        Flag debate rages in readers’ responses
7/17/2015        Time for the naive to wake up to symbolism of Confederate flag
7/12/2015        Celebrities can lift us up and let us down
7/5/2015          Learning to hurt so that we don’t harm
6/28/2015        Love is the simple measure of life
6/21/2015        It’s hard work to have a good marriage
6/14/2015        Fatherhood is its own reward      
6/7/2015          Notions of male, female far from archaic
5/31/2015        Marriage exposes us, good and bad
5/24/2015        It’ll take more than a bubble bath to cure your stress
5/17/2015        A time to say goodbye to dreams
5/10/2015        Hero or abuser? Neither
5/3/2015          Being a good parent is tough
4/26/2015        Thriving marriages a gift to all
4/19/2015        Last week’s column was not about Larry’s Meats, at all, got it?
4/11/2015        Commerce holds upper hand in debate on religious freedom
4/5/2015          Darkness happens; we can opt for light
3/28/2015        Mothers help sons by setting boundaries for themselves
3/21/2015        People with disabilities deserve empathy, not shock
3/14/2015        Bonds that untie, moment by barely noticeable moment
3/7/2015          Yes, Virginia, there is an Easter bunny
2/28/2015        No gray of any shade: Great sex isn’t narcissistic conscription
2/21/2015        As Euclid reasoned, something is … or it isn’t
2/15/2015        Martyred bishop, randy birds and Valentine’s Day
2/7/2015          Managing relationships sometimes necessary
2/2/2015          If courtship’s still fragile, don’t involve the children
1/25/2015        Freedom of speech comes with responsibility
1/18/2015        Raising kids’ emotional security with alchemy, empathy
1/12/2015        The fault’s not in the stars, but the brain chemistry
1/12/2015        Excuse me a minute while I recombobulate …